
Adventure into the wonderful world of Ayurveda and mindfulness.

Hi, I’m angela!

Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, NLP Practitioner, and REBT Coach.

I teach exhausted humans how to better understand the mechanics and energy of THEIR own unique body and mind so they can stop going through the motions and live with more passion and purpose.

What clients are saying…

Angela- just a quick note to say how much I’ve loved following your feed about your life, business, and philosophy. You are such a Love and a Light and I hope you keep up the good work as you continue to inspire me as I imagine you do so many others. - Laura

Awww, Angela!!!💗💗💗 I think about you and the light you’ve given me in my life EVERY time I oil pull, practice yoga, and now, whenever I giddily check your podcast page to hear your voice and learn more about Ayurveda! You are a blessing to me, and surely countless others. I have endless heartfelt compliments to share with you any ol’ time you may need a reminder that you are a rare gem. - Clementine

wellness freebies

  • Dosha Quiz

    Discover your unique body type according to Ayurveda.

  • emotion Identification chart

    Your guide to identifying and working through your emotions.

  • Happy Belly Happy You

    An Ayurvedic perspective on what healthy digestion looks like and 3 ways to start improving yours.